Direct Services & Referrals
Our Home’s Direct Services & Referrals program provides information, resources, & advice to Mercer County Residents to help people overcome financial shortfalls & budget constraints. Our purpose is to help Mercer County residents “bridge the gap” and receive support during times of need.
We provide Emergency Financial Assistance for matters like Utility Shutoffs, Rental Evictions, Medical Expenses & Prescriptions, etc. We also offer referrals to other agencies. Call (419) 586-4663 Option 2 for Assistance, Monday-Thursday.
Our Home’s Food Pantry is available for Mercer County Residents who qualify under the USDA Federal and State guidelines by providing proof of residency and picture identification. Our Food Pantry is stocked with canned fruits and vegetables, meat, pasta, soup, and other items. We also have limited availability of personal care items (deodorant, shampoo, etc.), laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid, baby diapers & wipes offered during Food Pantry Hours.
Food Pantry Hours: Walk-in Tuesday or Thursday 9:30 AM - 12 PM & 1 - 3 PM
If you have questions about Direct Services & Referrals, call (419) 586-4663 Option 2 for assistance.
Additional Resources:
Affiliated Organizations: